October 20, 2023

a heartbreak (again).

In the quiet corners of my room, I found myself adrift in a sea of heartbreak. The aftermath of my recent breakup had left me feeling broken and lost. Our love seemed to be a fleeting illusion, vanishing like smoke in the wind. 

It hadn't been long since our relationship had crumbled, yet I couldn't help but notice that they had already moved on. The sight of them with someone new sent a sharp pang of pain through my heart. It had been a mere few months, and all the promises, the whispered dreams, and the undying faith had crumbled to dust.

Last night, I lay awake, feeling the weight of my broken heart. I couldn't fathom how they had replaced me so swiftly while I grappled with the ghost of our love. I was left alone to carry the burden of memories and the echo of their laughter in the corners of my mind.

Desperate to escape the suffocating grip of heartache, I tried to fill the void with distractions. I read countless books, immersing myself in different worlds, hoping to find solace in the pages; I play games. Although its competitive battles provided temporary relief from my pain, my heartache returned as soon as the game ended. I also did sports, hoping the physical exertion would exhaust my emotions. I walked, ran, and cycled for miles, but my heart remained heavy, and the memories clung to me like a shadow.

The hardest part was trying not to think about them. I tried to bury the past, but the pain was still too fresh. Tears would well up in my eyes at the slightest reminder of all the shared moments and promises they made. It felt really unfair that I should be the one to endure the torment while they moved forward without a second thought.

"When will this end?" 

A haunting question loomed in my mind.

Was I perhaps too harsh in secretly yearning for the day karma would finally be present in their lives?

August 07, 2023

Movie Reviews: A Man Called Otto.


Last night, I found myself in front of the screen, immersed in the movie called 'A Man Called Otto'. 

To be very honest with you all, my dear readers, movies like this, don't often tickle my cinematic taste buds. But against all odds, this one managed to captivate me, weaving a thread of relatability that led straight to the protagonist, Otto, played by one and only Tom Hanks.

Otto personified loneliness without wearing it like a heavy coat; a peculiar juxtaposition of being surrounded by care, yet intentionally distant. His principles stood like unwavering sentinels, even as he quietly sowed goodness in the lives of others.

The man cared deeply, yet shrouded his compassion in a veil of nonchalance. Grief, a formidable force, had embraced him when his wife passed away. The specter of suicide loomed, its grip attempting to pull him under. Failed attempts weren't signs of surrender but note in a symphony of survival. Hallucinations painted by his own mind, his wife a spectral muse guiding his steps.

In the tapestry of cinema, 'A Man Called Otto' embroidered life's truth: to persevere amid the tempests that howl our names. It whispered the essence of goodwill, of harboring kind intentions even while navigating the labyrinth of personal methods.

This movie isn't just good; it's a poignant brushstroke on the canvas of existence. A narrative that tugs at the threads of purpose amidst adversity. I would give this one a 4.5 out of 5.

February 17, 2023

Series Review: GAP The Series

GAP The Series—the first ever Thailand GL Series

GAP The Series is the first Thailand Girls Love series that has been stealing hearts worldwide. They offer something truly special. It gives us an insight into the world we don't often get to see on television or film, which can be quite eye-opening at times; the lesbian relationships between Thai women who are struggling in a society where same-sex love isn't always accepted or understood by those around them. This show does not shy away from showing how difficult it can be for LGBTQ+ people living in such circumstances while trying to find acceptance within themselves, their families, and their friends. This show is so special and unique for many reasons, but for me, their great production and cinematography will be the main subject of this whole review. It is amazing how much effort they put into making this show special—it provides great entertainment. 

 Here are why the show is a must-watch, especially for the community:

1. Outstanding Cinematography 

The cinematography of GAP the series is definitely one of its best features. Using colors and angles to depict each character's personality and emotions brings a whole other level to this show. Mon is often shown with bright pink tones that reflect her cheerful and optimistic traits, while Sam wears mostly black with neutral shades around her, which conveys how she lives in sorrowful loneliness until she meets Mon.

Moreover, we can see how the director takes extra care in framing their scenes from afar at first – highlighting Khun Sam’s lonely life as she returns home after work every day – before slowly shifting the focus when Mon enters the picture, showing us just how much happiness has been brought into Khun Sam’s house.

Overall, it's clear that GAP The Series put great effort into ensuring they capture all these small details perfectly through their cinematography. Allowing viewers like us to really feel what our characters are going through on screen.

2. Conflicts that most people in the community can relate to 

As an Asian, I understand the struggles that many LGBTQ+ individuals face in our countries. It's hard enough to be accepted by society, let alone your own family. We often hide our true identities from our families for fear of not being accepted or facing rejection. Mon and Sam faced this problem; Sam’s family was not supportive of their relationship at first but eventually came around to understanding it and blessing them.

This story reminds us of how important it is for Asians to be more open-minded when it comes to same-sex relationships or gender identity expression issues. We all deserve love and acceptance no matter what our sexual orientation may be; there should never have been any judgmental eyes upon Mon and Sam simply because of whom they chose as partners in life.

3. Women's point of view 

It's not a secret that when it comes to girl-on-girl relationships in TV and movies, the sex scenes can often be disappointing. They tend to use the male gaze when objectifying women and often depict how they want women to look during orgasmic moments rather than what would actually make them feel satisfied or loved. However, this show caught my attention for its take on this. This series showed us how women could express themselves naturally without being overly sexualized or objectified in any way. The intimate scenes featured real emotions between two people who genuinely enjoyed each other’s company without feeling pressured by societal norms and expectations of what they should look like during an orgasmic moment together. Seeing these characters express themselves with such authenticity and vulnerability was heartwarming, something we don't get enough of nowadays.

The truth is everyone has different preferences regarding what makes them feel aroused, so why should we all be subjected to one particular view? This series helps us understand that intimate moments don't always require naked bodies or overly exaggerated reactions. Showing emotion through subtle gestures can actually create even more powerful, impactful stories about the true connections between two people.

4. Great Chemistry by the main characters 

A series would only be good with the role of the actress/actor and how they portrayed the characters in the series.

We’ve all seen it before—two actresses who play lesbians and have such incredible chemistry that people can't help but ship them. But, Freen and Becky have created an undeniable, special bond on the screen. Their performances are so convincing that viewers feel as if they're witnessing a real-life relationship unfold in front of them. No wonder these two talented individuals are getting so much attention from fans; their connection is truly remarkable to watch.

January 19, 2023


 Pagi tadi mami saya bertanya kepada saya, "skin Mobile Legends itu harganya memang berapa, sih?".

Sebagai seorang pemain Mobile Legends dari musim pertama, saya sempat tertegun dengan pertanyaan mami. Karena menurut saya, mami tidak pernah terlalu ambil pusing saat saya bermain gim tersebut—kecuali saat saya sampai marah karena kalah (manusiawi). Ternyata, salah satu tetangga kami curhat sama mami dan bilang kalau anaknya sampai membohonginya dan menggunakan uang SPP sekolah untuk top up diamond dari gim tersebut.

Lantas, setelah saya mendapatkan informasi tersebut, saya tidak dapat melupakan kenyataan kalau kualitas anak-anak jaman sekarang menurun. Siapa yang salah?

Kita kembali ke masa lalu saat pertama kali saya diperkenalkan konsol gim saat umur saya 4 tahun oleh keluarga saya. Konsol pertama saya adalah SEGA dan gim pertama yang saya mainkan adalah Sonic the hedgehog. Lalu kemudian berevolusi dan diperkenalkan dengan konsol gim lain seperti Playstation, Xbox, hingga gim PC seperti Counter Strike dan Point Blank. Semua itu saya mainkan dan hingga saat ini, saya suka bermain gim. Tetapi mengapa dulu saya masih terbilang tidak nyeleneh?

Saya ingat saat saya sudah mulai mengenal gim PC, saya bisa bolak-balik ke warnet dekat sekolah untuk bermain di hari Jumat selepas sekolah. Saya selalu bilang pada mami saya jika saya akan pulang telat karena bermain gim online. Saat itu sama sekali tidak terbesit dipikiran saya untuk berbohong atau bahkan berlaku curang dibalik apa yang saya lakukan. Bahkan saat masih kecil, ketika saya ingin bermain gim, saya harus bernegosiasi dulu kepada orangtua saya, sebelum saya bisa diperbolehkan untuk bermain—seperti cuci piring atau menghafalkan ayat Al-qur'an.

Saat ini, saat teknologi sudah semakin maju, informasi seolah semakin mudah untuk didapatkan. Orang-orang yang mungkin dulu kesulitan dalam mendapatkan informasi karena harus membaca buku, sekarang sudah bisa lebih memangkas waktunya untuk mendapatkan informasi di dalam internet dengan kurun waktu yang sangat singkat—bahkan informasi bisa diperoleh secara mudah dengan hanya menonton video singkat berdurasi satu hingga lima menit.

Lantas, mengapa kualitas anak-anak di era ini semakin menurun?

Saya pribadi berpikir jika kualitas anak yang menurun sejak dini merupakan hasil dari didik orangtua yang belum matang. Saya mengobservasi bahwa sebagian orangtua muda yang saya temui di luar sana, lebih suka untuk mengambil jalan pintas saat anaknya sedang tantrum atau rewel. Jalan pintas yang paling mudah ditemui adalah gadget dan video viral dari platform media sosial. 

Hal itu menurut saya yang menjadi dampak utama anak-anak di era ini menjadi;

1. Kurang berempati.

2. Kurang mawas diri.

3. Kurang memiliki sifat tanggung jawab.

Saya mungkin belum menjadi orang tua dan saya menyayangkan bagaimana masih banyak orangtua yang tidak siap dalam mendidik anak-anak mereka. Karena jika tidak dari kecil, hal buruk biasanya akan lebih sulit untuk diubah saat mereka besar nantinya. 

Harapan saya semoga siapapun yang ingin menjadi orangtua kelak, dapat membimbing anaknya dan memberikan pengertian lebih terhadap apa yang sedang mereka hadapi daripada harus menutup diri, karena komunikasi adalah hal utama dalam sebuah hubungan.

August 19, 2022


Disclaimer: I am not a real music critic. All of the points stated below are pure what I see as a person's (without bias) opinion. Though I am a Blackpink’s fan. 


Blackpink is finally coming back to show off after two years of hiatus without music.

After the success of Lisa's solo album, LALISA, they are back with an album that they gave the title Born Pink and a pre-release single, Pink Venom, was released today at 1 PM KST. 

 For a fan like me, this album is most-anticipated. We always wanted new music from them—not just an individual—but the four of them, as we called OT4. 

 Their single, Pink Venom, is very refreshing. It is a new era from Blackpink—it is unpredictable—and although some people would say Blackpink music is kind of repetitive and has a similar tone, frankly to say, this one is far from it. The beat drop is catchy, and did I mention unpredictable?—cause it was, indeed, made me dumbfounded the first time I listened to it. 

 This time, they made sure every member popped out of their shells. Jennie and Lisa with 16 bars rap, Rosie—as always with her very addicting voice and acting skill, and boy, don't get me to start with Jisoo...

Jisoo with her Korean traditional instrument! Kudos for her effort to learn how to play the instrument for this comeback. It's worth it. It also makes Blackpink even more unique as a group; they always made sure they put their culture into their production. They wore Hanbok (traditional Korean outfit) for How You Like That, Lisa wore a traditional Thailand outfit in LALISA, etc. 

 Now, shall we talk about the quality of their song, PINK VENOM

 At first, they gave us the sound of the traditional instrument, which is very much YG style. Pop and hip-hop music can be heard in this song. But what surprised me was the chorus. The drop beat was something new. We can (clearly) see the aura of its beat changing—and it fits so well.

The rap part was my highlight, though. As a fan, I have been waiting for Jennie and Lisa to have longer rap—mind you, Jennie was not rapping much on their previous album—this era brought to us by them with the "not-a-typical-Korean-pop-rap" most idols have. Thus, I can say their rap part is my FAVOURITE part. 

 However, what seems to be bothering me is that I wish they include one more part that is not repetitive (as in lyrics) for Rosie and Jisoo's part. Their bridge was REALLY amazing (as always). I wish the producer could give them more than what it is. Jisoo's vocal is the most stable among all. It's just unfortunate that she couldn't show it more. 

 Blackpink is amazing; their songs are unique and different. Each individual has a strong aura and personality, which can bring their group to the top (no doubt). Please give them a lot of love on their comeback!


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