March 10, 2020

lost in Penang

It was last August. My best friend and I went to Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia. It was my first time travelling abroad, to be honest, yet it was the most memorable and of course, that made me want to go to another country haha.

It was all started when I got my heart broken. I wanted to have a short escape. Luckily, I have my dear friend that just said to my face to f**k it and go on a vacation with her—she from what I know is experienced when it comes to travelling. She went to some Asian countries alone by herself—shoutout to @mraofficial30 on twitter!

Honestly, at first, I was hesitant because that was my first time ever leaving my country but luckily, she has been very helpful as she gave me a lot of tips, warning and other things I should have prepared when we were travelling. She has been my very great helper. 

With only $105 that, of course, exclude the plane tickets and our motel room, we went to Penang—well, we can just bring more money but we survived anyways xx!

Before we get to our destination, we have to transit in Singapore for like 20 hours. Of course, we get to visit some of the places in Singapore and bought my one and only favourite candy—yep, SKITTLES!!

There are so many moments that happened; we took some pictures for the future. 
For me, memories can stay in a photograph. I remembered there’s this one quote, my favourite that saying “A picture worth a thousand words” and I think it’s true. We might not explain things that we wanted to say or meant to say but a picture can talk; the memories will remain forever and it can’t lie to you.

Here are some that  I got since I admire photographs a lot. Hope you like it:




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